12 Apr The Real Ale Trail – Sat May 14th 2022
The Fox Covert is part of the first Teesside Real Ale Trail on Sat 14th May. Why not join us and have a fabulous day being chauffeured around some of Teesside’s finest Real Ale pubs, enjoying their wares and hospitality. We are one of 8 pubs on the Real Ale Trail and the buses will be running around the trail from 11am – 10pm.
How The Real Ale Trail Works…
It’s fairly simple. A bus chauffeurs you all day through spectacular countryside to rural pubs. Every 40ish minutes a bus will appear at each pub on the trail to ferry you to the next pub. You can visit as many or as few pubs as you want and stay at each one for as long as you want. It’s that simple.
The Real Ale Trail is a story about friendship, and how a pint of ale can bring friends together to share in a good old belly laughter whilst exploring pubs and ales you’ve never tried before……. without the worry of organising the driving.
Tickets can be purchased directly from The Fox Covert or online here – https://realaletrail.co.uk/teesside-real-ale-trail